Thursday, March 31, 2011

in TPE..

結束後會順道回silicon valley一趟, 處理簽證, 還有商討工作條件和待遇
現在正在機場lobby, 待會就要出發了, 這次的行程是美西美東&加東
預計從Toronto入境找朋友, 最後從SF出境回台灣

離開silicon valley近兩年, 這次重新考驗我企劃、簡報、交際和語言的能力
我要找回流利美國腔, 以及不疾不徐有問必答的說話態度
不服輸的個性, 準備一週後可以做到PERFECT
我要超越自己, 讓大家刮目相看, Yes, I DID IT !!

這次除了工作也要當作渡假, 好好整理對未來的規劃..
久違的美國, 終於要回去一趟了
想念紐約戶外天堂central park的大草坪
想念gary's papaya的熱狗, lombardi's的紐約大pizza, 有點貴卻好吃的ippudo拉麵
想念brooklyn bridge的無敵manhattan夜景
想念頂著寒風倒數的times square, 讓人沉淪的broadway
悠閒走在harvard bridge, 沿著charles river慢跑
恣意逛逛harvard square, 以及最愛的harvard coop, 還有熱鬧的quincy market
而四月正逄DC櫻花季, 我愛看花
我可以看到白宮美麗盛開的櫻花樹, 好美

我真的很幸運, 我要繼續保持著, 珍惜

雖然過去兩年的英國生活很辛苦, 但還是有很多讓我懷念的事..
懷念悠閒的英國早晨, 悠哉放鬆的生活和現在很不一樣
懷念很多的新朋友, 包括阿拉伯和埃及朋友
懷念在cambridge騎腳踏車的感覺, 特別輕鬆
懷念第一次在英國開車, 感覺好妙的右駕一路奔馳, 好過癮啊!
懷念英國最好吃的fish and chips ~好好吃的魚
懷念課堂中的workshop, 即席上台報告後的掌聲很有成就感
總之靠自己handle一切, 征服英國種種的感覺真”!

慢慢的, 開始找回對台灣的熟悉, 我喜歡這種感覺!!
我又有力量了!! keep going.........

=== Day1  Home & Canada
Taipei To Toronto (14 hrs)
Fly Taipei to Toronto
Arrive in Toronto at approximately 20h40

=== Day2  downtown Toront & Niagara falls
* visit to Toronto (City Hall & Queen's Park & CN Tower)
* visit bustling St. Lawrence Market.
*devour a hearty lunch from market stalls & restaurants.
depart downtown Toronto at 1:00 p.m.
Toronto To Niagara falls  (1.5 hrs)
* drive along the niagara parkway
* Maid of the Mist boat tour & trip to the top of the Skylon Tower
* experience breathtaking night light show at Niagara Falls

=== Day3  Ottawa
rise early and have breakfast
* beautiful Niagara Falls by day
8:00 am: depart from Niagara Falls, drive to Ottawa
Niagara falls To Ottawa  (6.5 hrs)
* see the Parliament & Rideau Canal
* enjoy a wonderful time to explore the Byward Market this afternoon
* take a walking tour of sparks street
*Dinner and overnight accommodations in Ottawa.

=== Day4  Montreal
8:00 am: depart Ottawa, drive to Montreal
Ottawa to Montreal  (2.5 hrs)
* explore the city & shopping in Old Port

=== Day5  Quebec & Montreal
breakfast in Montreal, drive to Quebec city
Montréal to Québec  (3 hrs)
* tour of Quebec city & explore Grand Allee
* have dinner in Old Québec
transfer to Montreal at night
Quebec to Montreal  (3 hrs)
* night out (free nightclub) upon arrival followed by night accommodation

=== Day6  Boston
after an early breakfast, leave Montreal arriving back in Boston
Montreal To Boston  (5 hrs)
* on Business Trips ~ stuck in meetings all day

=== Day7  Boston
* Then enjoy a little stroll around Cambridge
* walk the Freedom Trail (the cobblestone streets, the narrow alleys, the red brick buildings, and loved it...)
* visit quincy market
After breakfast, head to harvard square for a tour of harvard university
* enjoy in harvard square

=== Day8   NYC
5:00 am: depart Boston and travel to New York
Boston to NYC  (4 hrs)
* take the ferry out to the Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
* and then visit Battery Park
* visit Charging Bull (cow sculpture) & Trinity Church
* walk along Wall Street on my way to the South Street Seaport
* walk across beautiful views of the Brooklyn Bridge
* explore in Rockefeller Center Area / Times Square (watch the lights flash)
* supper at the Dallas BBQ
* attend a Broadway show

=== Day9  NYC & DC
* lunch at Ippudo
2:00 pm: depart New York and travel to DC
NYC to DC (4.5 hrs)
* dine at Ray's the Steaks (excellent & affordable)
* stroll this evening and see the illuminated monuments and Capitol buildings of Washington DC
* take a stroll through central park
* continue to 5th avenue

=== Day10  Washington DC
it's cherry blossom season in DC!
* stroll by the White House.
* see all of Washington’s major sites, including the supreme court, embassy row,georgetown, arlington national cemetery, the lincoln, jefferson, and FDR memorials, and many more attractions.
* 2Amys Pizza for dinner.

=== Day11  DC & SF
* early at the National Air & Space Museum to avoid the crowds.
* have lunch at Teaism
transfer to the airport for the flight back to SFO
arrival in SFO at approximately 8:30 p.m.

=== Day12  silicon valley

=== Day13  end of trip
Return arrival in Taiwan at approximately 6:00 a.m.

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